We have soap saver sachets for the shower, so the new soap goes in and sort of absorbs the old slivers. But the soap dish is a bit of a different story. There the slivers just sort of collect.
Really not the most attractive thing.

So I finally decided to stop procrastinating and get going on fixing this.
With Halloween on the horizon, I thought it would be fun to have some small skull soaps in the little dish.
I remembered a bar of Yardley's activated charcoal soap. My husband bought it for me to try, but I didn't get around to it. So I shredded it up, along with the leftover bits of soap for a bit of colour.

Shread all the soap you want to use on a grater. (The photo above is partially done. Just have to shred the small bits) The smaller you grate it, the faster this goes. I have an old one specially for soap grating. Dump it all together into a double boiler and get a heating.
As the water in the double burner heats up, add some water to the soap. About 1/3 a cup of water per cup of soap flakes. If in doubt, go easy on the water. You don't want the soap too soggy. Just melt-y.
Stir the soap in the water until it is all nice and wet. And keep stirring while it all heats up. The soap will start getting gooey and foam.

Keep going until the soap melts enough to make sort of a cake batter consistency. Add water if necessary little by little. You don't want it too dry, but you don't want it to wet either. It should all make a consistent dough. I stir it continuously. You can add any sort of scent to it at this stage.
Once that is achieved, wipe out your molds with rubbing alcohol. Then, with a spoon, smash the soap dough into the mold.

Let it sit over night to dry. Or pop it into the fridge.
On the second day pop them out of the molds and let it dry another day. (Or use it).
Presto! Soap slivers are now a new bit of soap.
I love the way these skulls came out.💀

There you have it. Now go and collect soap slivers and make some melt and pour soaps.
You can obviously use all fresh soap for this as well. Specially if you plan to make these as gifts. New soap would definitely a better way to go lol.

I have read that sometimes melt and pour soap does not quite foam up as much as new soap does. I personally haven't had this problem (or maybe just haven't noticed it?) But I thought I mention it.