Another day, another bit done.
I sorted my paper stash today. I am not quite finished with it. Who knew I had so much paper??? I have a basket I want to sort it all into in the end and will show photos when that is done.
I also "sorted" my beads today.
I don't use beads too often really. They are fiddly little things.
I decided I really don't have to have 7 different bags and boxes and containers full of a few beads here and there. So I thought I would give my beads the "button treatment."
My friend Eva keeps her spaghetti sauce jars for me. I like those jars very much. They have measurements on the sides and are nice and roomy.
Today I snatched one up out of my stockpile lol and simply emptied all the boxes and baggies and containers of beads I had laying around into it.

I know, some people may have palpitations seeing this jumble of all kinds of different beads all in one glass. Different sizes and materials...
I kind of like it though.
It's pretty.
I also really use them so rarely that digging through them isn't going to be a daily, or even weekly thing.
I have a few containers of beads still hiding somewhere. Once I find them, I am sure my little glass will be full.
I had some of these beads for over 9 years. I wasn't kidding when I said I rarely use them...
Even if I was inclined to put them into a project, digging them out and then finding the right bag/container with the beads I was looking for...blah. Nobody has time for that!
Besides, I really rather like using a fun mix instead of all the same type in a project. (Obvs there are projects where matching beads are the only way to go, but a mix is defi itself more fun whenever one can get away with it.😉)
As a bonus,, when you have your things out in the open, for you to see and with easy access,, you are more inclined to actually,, well... use them!
Believe it, or not, I already made two tassels with beads today! I might finally use them up! Here is hoping!!!
Doesn't the glass look so much better than a bunch of bags, constantly at risk of spilling tiny beads all over the place?

The plastic stack thingy will be reused by my husband for his meds/supplements. This way he can sort them out by day and see them easily. The rest of the baggies had so many holes in them lol. A pile of Swiss cheese!😂
I have more glass jars and more collections (of sorts) so pop into them. Tomorrow I will show you where I keep my sewing threads and ribbons. (Hint: they are also in glass, but since way before the organising.)
Do you have odd collections you keep in glasses, or bowls?
Well. This was it for today. It doesn't look like much, but I swear, I did a lot and the living room is almost back to normal.
Well. Stay safe, mask up and get the vaccine when you can. ❤