I guess I really should dust off this blog a bit.
Sorry for abandoning it again for so long. Lots going on and nothing going on at the same time.
I will make a definite effort to pick the habit back up again though. I promise. Even if it is just a simple photo and a few lines.
Anyway. Let me tell you about my new apron.
I made the pattern after a linen apron my husband bought for me. (Well I told him he needed to buy it for me lol). I love wearing it so much, alas it is linen and wrinkles like the dickens.
So I thought why not make one out of cotton?
After making the paper pattern I set to work and chose the fabrics. That is always such a fun part. All fabrics were either reclaimed from other projects, or clothes, donated by quilting friends, who no longer used them, or were remnants of their quilts they didn't have use for, or thrifted. No new fabric in this entire apron! Still going strong on the zero waste, peeps. ❤

Once that was done, the rest was a snap. Cut, baste, sew.
Once I was happy with the arrangement, I started basting it all down.
I chose to baste this apron with thread. On my large quilts I usually use safety pins, but this wasn't as much to baste, so sewing it seemed like a good way to go.

The lace and the pocket were not basted on. I decided to add those bits Once the rest was all finished.
Stich stich stich. I started this on September 21st and finished it on the 26th.

All edges are turned under on this. On my quilts I sometimes leave raw edges, but it requires aot more stitching to render them safe for washing and drying without unravelling. I didn't want to truly quilt this apron, or stitch on it for months,, so the edges needed to be neat.
I was going to line the whole thing in my hand stamped bee fabric, but I didn't have enough stamped up for the whole apron, so instead I opted to do only the straps with it. I think it is a nice break from the patchwork.
And here now the finished apron.

It got taken out for a spin today. We went to the thrift store.
It is comfortable and the pocket held two potted succulent plants, I subsequently bought at the grocery store and that did not fit in the bag we brought with us. 😆

I am definitely going to make.more of these for me, for my daughter and possibly to add to the shop, once I clean that up and open it again.
Update on the thrift store haul coming shortly. I am so glad to be able to go again. We skipped it all last year, but since we got vaccinated in April, we try to get one trip I a month. Pretty much the only other place we go besides grocery shopping and doctor's appointments.
It is EVERYTHING y'all!!!
Hope you all are having a good time and hanging in there with this pandemic still raging.
Please be safe my people!
Sending love your way, wherever you may find yourself. ❤
B. 🐝