I completely forgot to show you the finished cat collars I made!
It didn't takeong at all.
I made about 30 inches of ribbon. That made exactly two adjustable collars, without any waste.

If you make your own pet collars, it is important to remember to get quick release clasps for cats, if your collar material does not stretchered! Cats like to get their collars stuck and if it doesn't open, the cat might strangle herself. So please do be careful and get the right closures, so your pet doesn't come to any harm.
I put a spot of fray not at the place where I cut the running for the two collars. Then I added the hardware and sewed it all down by hand.

They fit perfectly. I think I will definitely make more.
The ribbon is a warp faced weave, but the pattern was made by using a weft in a different colour and leaving some of the holes in the cards unthreaded, so the weft threads would show through. (Like going over two, sort of.)

The collars are getting quite the use with the cats scratching and playing. So by now they are no longer pristine. It was to be expected with kittens. I don't mind. I just make more.
Sending hugs to you and your pets.❤
B. 🐝