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Recycled rug diy

Writer's picture: Sidewalk PirateSidewalk Pirate

I have been slowly working on getting the apartment redecorated. Not really buying anything new (except a couch, since we don't have one right now).

We started with the front hallway/entry way.

Step one:

We moved a few furniture around, so we had a place where we could store a few shoes and hide the litter boxes for the kittens.

Step two:

Populate. Lol. I was looking for a throw rug for the front pretty much since we moved in here. I didn't want to buy brand new, but could not find anything at the thrift shops either. Until one day, I stumbled across this upholstery fabric sample book.

Upholstery fabric sample book

It hit me that this could make a neat rug. All I had to do was remove the paper and sew the samples together.

So I ended up taking the sample book home.

First I removed all the hardware. There were some huge staples in there lol.😳

Then I started removing the paper backing off the sheets of fabric. All you have to do is run an iron over it. As hot as the fabric will stand it. That melts the glue and you can simply peel off the paper.

A quick layout to figure out the positions I wanted the samples in and I could start sewing.

Now, if I had a working sewing machine, this rug would have been done in about an hour. As it is, it took me two days to sew the samples together.

I had to go to the shop to buy some bias tape. Some of the samples frayed quite a bit. I accidentally bought one single fold bias tape and one hem tape. Someone shoved them in the same compartment and they looked so alike.

So the rug languished for about a month until I could go back and exchange the hem tape.

But now it is finally done and I have to admit I rather like it.

Shot of our front entry way, with the shelf for shoes and litter boxes to the left of the image, a small lamp illuminates the small space with warmish. The shelf is covered by a sheet with golden polka dots. To the side in front if the shelf is a small red reception with white polka dots. On the floor is the handmade rug , made from the upholstery samples.

The shelf is a really old one. It was in my daughter's room when she still lived at our house. She didn't want to take it, but it is full wood, so a nice piece of furniture I wasn't going to just throw out. It is painted a bright blue lol. I really need to paint Iver it ine of these days. For now I found this cute polka Dot sheet at the thrift store and another one with arrows for a bit of a flavour change when I feel like it.

My friend is downsizing and gave me the lamp. At first I didn't think it would fit anywhere in my house. I was just going to fix it up and pass it along, but it seems to have found a home in the hallway.

I want to collect small mirrors at the thrift store and make a mirror mural lol. So you can check yourself before going out.

The small red thing with the polka dots holds all our scraves, hats and mittens. I found it our last trip to goodwill. tags were $1.99, so I snatched it. It was down from $13!

Well. On to the next UFO to be finished.

Hope everyone is having a good time and not getting too stressed out about the holidays.

Stay safe, mask up, keep your distance and get the vaccine! (We are already all boostered up in our family.)



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