I finally went to the thrift store again. Haven't been I over a year, but now that I am fully vaccinated, I get a bit more brave in my outings. I am still wearing a mask and probably ly will continue to do so, because it is nice not to get *any* airborne viruses. This season we didn't have the sniffles or a cough of r anything of the sort.
Anyway, I went to the thrift store. If I had a million bucks, I would have spent them lol. After a year of forced abstinence, I went hog wild and I found allTheThings!!
In the end I paired it down to some knit cardigans, two super cute bunny flower pots (actually candy dishes, but come on! How cut will they be as cache pots?) And a bag full of brand new cotton pillow cases.
2 bucks for 6 cases! How could I not get them?

I brought the pillow cases home with the purpose of making tea towels out of them. My old ones are starting to get ratty looking and are disintegrating. I made those from an old cotton table cloth that had seen better days. I simply cut it up, hemmed them and crochet an edging. They have served well, but are ready to move on in the food chain and become cleaning rags. So replacements have to be found.
Trying to lead a more zero waste life, I am always looking for thrifted things, rather than brand new. I always keep an eye out for kitchen linens at the thrift stores. Tablecloths, tablerunners, napkins... I adore vintage utility linen ware.
When I saw the pillow cases, I knew I had to have them. Tea towels are a big need, but there is a list as long as my arm for uses for nice cotton cloth.
I figured one pillow case would give me 2 tea towels! That would make one towel 33 cents! 100% cotton. Where else could I get such a deal?
I snapped them up.
When I got home, I noticed there were actually 12 pillow cases. They had folded them by the pairs. Oh Great! Even better! More cotton!

So I cut open two of the pillow cases and went to work edging them.
I started with a rolled edge, because why not? But it took forever and I lost interest lol. A few days later I came back to finish it off. The second one was done by simply folding over the edges and doing a running stitch.
That took about 20 minutes per tea towel.

I got two done before I threw in... well... the towel.
I usually love hand sewing, but for some reason this project just sucks the joy out of it lol. Wish my sewing machines were working, this would be done in about an hour. If that.
Either way. I have now two new tea towels and a bunch of pillow cases lol.
I will most likely make them into plain fabric panels, to be used for mending, dye experiments and pillow backings. I had plans to redo all the couch cushions anyway.
I think I will keep a look out for a fun tablecloth to turn into tea towels rather than boring plain white cotton towels.
Maybe I will print on them. That might be fun?
Ever had a brilliant idea and then lost interest when it came to the follow through? Lol
Please tell me I am not alone! 😂
Well. Hope you have a happy Wednesday! I am out to find other shenanigans to get into. Far away from these pillow cases....