So my BFF Sandy sent me this vintage crazy daisy winder.

It immediately reminded me of my beloved vintage scarf. (That definitely has seen better days and is in desperate need of mending.)

She also sent me the galaxy yarn I had admired. She sun and dyed it herself from fibre grown on her very own sheep. Along with some super cute tins! Sandy totally gets me!!!

I adore Sandy's yarn.❤
At first I petted the skein and looked at it adoring from afar, until it clicked and I finally put 2 and 2 together.
So off I went, winding yarn, like a mad woman!
Half the skein is left, half was transformed into 55 super cute galaxy coloured crazy daisies!
I am in heaven!
If you can get your hands on one of these little vintage winders, definitely snap it up! They are so cute! I can imagine a multitude of uses for them and they just take about 40 inches of yarn (give or take) each.

There are a few of them on etsy right now. I am sure one could be made at home even, with a round piece of wood and some finishing nails. I will look into that and share what I find.
Be warned though!
These little things do multiply like tribbles hahahah.

After all the galaxy yarn has been made into daisies,, I plan to get some matching yarn and make myself a sweet galaxy scarf in the near future. Not sure when, since I have my heart set on a specific colour for the background and will have to find it first.
Stay tuned.

I also have a few more projects using fabric twine on the go. There will be tutorials coming up for sure.
Are you working on exciting new projects? Show them off! I would love to see them!
Weather wise it is truly April. Grey skies, sporadic sunshine while it is drizzling and windy. The plants seem to enjoy it loads though.
Oh also: this Friday I might do a tour of the balcony makeover and show you how far I got. It needs a few tweets here and there still, but more about that on Friday.

Hope you all have a great start to an amazing new week! Sending lots of Monday hugs and the best of wishes to all.
How fun!