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Dream House

Writer's picture: Sidewalk PirateSidewalk Pirate

I was quiet here for a bit, but there was a reason.

I was super busy finishing a piece for a local art show.

The deadline was the 12th of June and I found out about it around the 30th of May. But I was determined to get something made and entered.

So I came up with the idea of giving paper cutting a go. I have been wanting to for quite a while and figured now is as good a time as any.

So off I went and bought myself a proper craft knife, because it turns out a box cutter is not quite up to the task lol.

A rough sketch of a woodland scene, viewed through a spider web.
Second, or third sketch

Once I had a rough sketch of where I wanted what, I started refining it and tweaking it and finally had something I quite liked. After cutting the first few rough drafts (with my box cutter, before the craft knife arrived) I figured I got the hang of it.

Rough paper cut of a woodland scene, all in white paper. Trees on the right and a small mushroom on the left.
First rough cut done with my box cutter.

I added and edited the sketch a bit more as I went along cutting the panels. Added mushrooms, ditched some leaves.

Added a deer and ditched the spiderweb I initially had planned on.

Soon I had to make a choice. Either be done editing the panels, or run out of fingers. I did cut myself a few times with the new craft knife (I called it Excalibur), but around the time of the final frame, we became friends in the end after all.

Four panels for the paper cut project. Four different parts of a woodland scene. Two panels have trees on the right and mushrooms, one panel has a deer and some evergreens and the last panel has clouds and a moon.
Almost finally set on what I want.

All the panels were cut and now to think of how to assemble them.

An accordeon book! Of course! A few folds later I had the frame. I glued the panels in with little tabs, to prevent bowing and then went on to make the shadow box to house the panels. (Sorry, no photos of that step.)

I knew I wanted it to have a special frame and decided on the house shape early on. Just wasn't sure on the how.

After having the scene made and glued together, it all became a bit clearer as to how it had to be shaped and that it basically needs to be another box, to hold the other box.

A cardboard box with a smaller, house shaped paper box inside, which is slowly covered in papier-mache.
Made flour paste for the papier-mache. Worked like a charm

A few pondering and I decided that papier-mache would be just the ticket.

Oh what fun it was. I definitely will do more papier-mache in the future.

The house shaped box all covered in papier-mache

A lot of drying time and a good blast with the blow dryer later and it was ready for a coat of acrylic paint, or five....but first: some white spray paint, for an even undercoat.

The house shaped box spraypainted white

The clouds came next, then the stars.

It really needed wings. I learned a lot making the wings and these will not be my last set, for sure. I taped the clouds and stars, to figure out the best placement, before gluing them on.

Once it all was ready, all that was left was assembly. I dropped the panel box into the house box and glued it in to have it safe. Then I hit it with high gloss varnish. In hind sight, I should have varnished it before dropping in the scene, but I was too impatient to see what it would look like.

Assembled woodland scene paper cut with the final frame o. The front. The frame is a paper cut made up of leaves and mushrooms randomly , the last back panel is painted ultramarine blue and the moan is painted gold.

I was putting on the "last coat" of varnish, when the whole thing tipped and fell over. It landed on my outdoor carpet. Of course. And also of course, the varnish was still wet.

It looked like a giant house shaped hairball the cat puked out...

Digging out my sandpaper, sanding it all off, doing another coat.

My husband checked if it was dry. Left a finger print on the back. Gave it another final coat. Laying it down, so it can't fall again.

Sadly the varnish on the piece of cardboard I had it laying on wasn't as dry as the piece itself. It got stuck to it. It ripped a bit of the acrylic paint off. Sigh... Repainting it. Another final coat. This time it all went well.


Now fitting on the little wooden bead feet. Adding the front frame and the wings and setting it somewhere out of the way, where it will be safe until the next day, when we drop it off at the Galery.

The next day I called the gallery to figure out when they open, so I can drop off the house. Oh. What was that The? The deadline has been extended? Yeah that is awesome! Would have been great to know yesterday, when I was doing battle with the varnish and getting a headache from the fumes lol. 😂

Either way it is now done. May I present to you: Dream House.

Full photo of Dream House. On a white background. The house is blue with white clouds and gold stars, the woodland scene inside the house is all white paper and the background of it is blue with white clouds and a golden moon.

Side view of Dream House.

Back view of Dream House, with the wings attached about 2/3 of the way up from the bott ok m. The house is standing in small wooden feet assembled from small wooden beads.

I wanted this piece to be about quite, peace and tranquility. The inner stillness amongst all the hustle and bustle in our lives. A place to stop and just be. With your thoughts, with your memories, with yourself. ❤

I hope you have a great weekend ahead of you!

Since we did not go to the gallery today, hubby and I went on a date. Since it was also our 22nd wedding anniversary. ❤




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