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Embroidered handkerchiefs

Writer's picture: Sidewalk PirateSidewalk Pirate

My daughter and son in law finally got to come by for a visit!

We haven't seen them since October last year and then only from a distance in the parking lot.

Since we are all vaccinated now, we could finally get togetherher again and have dinner, before the farming season gets in full swing. They are actually already hard at work planting and weeding etc, but they had to go get a few supplies in our neck of the woods, so they stopped by.

This meant we could finally exchange Christmas presents!

My daughter got me a dehydrator! Yayyy! I lost mine a few years back and missed it terribly ever since. She found this one at their thrift store and snatched it up for me. It even still has the fruit leather liners! We gave them a few things they had their eyes on, like crab tools lol.

My son in law's birthday was in February. On his wishlist was an aloe plant. I went ahead an got him some. They arrived in February. I ordered a medium size one for me and a large size one for him. The seller sent me 7 all together! They were shipped bare roots and we had a right cold snap the week the little aloe plants were on their way. When I unwrapped them, they were a little worse for ware. I clipped them back and planted them. By today his plants have made two pups! And mine has one.

My daughter told me he really has gotten into carrying handkerchiefs lately, so I added some hand embroidered handkerchiefs to his present.

At first I wanted to make the handkerchiefs myself, but I didn't have any fabric in my stash I really liked for them and my sewing machine is on the fritz, so I would have had to hem them by hand. Just wasn't going to happen.

I ended up ordering a set from Amazon and dug out my embroidery floss.

Hand embroidered handkerchief. The kerchief has a blue and white checker pattern and the embroidery is a lovely wreath with the letter M in the center. The letter has branches and leaves on it as well

I started out by looking up fonts online. I found two I liked. One was used for the monogram and the second one for the full name. I added a free hand wreath around the monogram and even gave the letter itself a few branches and leaves to make it tie in a bit. I think it came out rather nice.

Second was the pig. I simply free hand sketched a pig right onto the handkerchief and then went to work with my embroidery needle.

Handembroidered handkerchief. Same pattern as the other two, but this one has the name Michael embroidered in. A light brown embroidery floss.

For the name, I went the same route as for the monogram. I compied the font onto paper, tracked it with a sharpie and then transfered it to the handkerchirf by placing the paper under the fabric and adding a back light. 1, 2, 3, and presto! Ready to embroider.

Sadly I don't have any progress photos.

I know it's not amazingly accurate and laser straight, but they were made with love and came from the heart. Michael seems to appreciate them. He did like them a lot. And that is all that matters to me.

I have three more handkerchiefs from the set to embroider. I think I will have them done for next Christmas. Lol

We ended the day by playing a spirited game of Munchkin with lots of laughter. I have to get myself a set of that game. I like it exceedingly.

Hope your week is going well. Mine certainly had a highlight by seeing the kids.


B. 🐝


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