Look what the cat dragged out! My epp quilt.
All fabric is reused, reclaimed, or scraps from previous projects as well as donation fabrics from other quilters' scrap piles.
This one will be for myself for a change.
It will fit on my queen size bed. That is a looooot of 1 inch hexes right there.
That's why I have decided to quilt it as I go. I am making sections. First I make little squares of 9 strips with 9 hexagons each. Then I sew 4 of those sections together to make a bigger square.
This bigger square of 324 hexies then gets sandwiched with a layer of flannel and the backing and safety pin basted. Then I quilt the hexies down. I do stop short of the last two outer rounds. This way I can piece the next square onto thin one.
I simply square off the backing, sew the two backings and batting together and then quilt the top hexies down. In my head this will work lol. Wish me luck! 🍀🐖
We will see how it goes in practice. 😂 The first big square is nearly all quilted and the second one is nearly pieced together.
Doing it this way will keep the project portable until the last minute and enables me to work on it wherever I go. The bus stop, the doctor's office etc.
Of course right now I am not going anywhere. My family is still very much self quarantined. Totally by choice. I have not been anywhere since the second week of February. (My personal record of not stepping foot even in front of my door pre-isolation was two and a half months!!! I am a pro at staying home.)
I am an extreme introvert, so I am dealing better with the mental strains of staying home/not socialising than most other people, but I am running out of things I need for my work and have to restock. The thrift store down the road has opened up again already, but with my husband being high risk, I don't feel safe just yet.
Going on the bus is still very much a no go for us as well.
How are all of you dealing with lockdown, high risk relatives and just the whole situation in general?
Please know, if you need someone to talk to, I am here.
We can get through this together! ❤
Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask to protect your community and help flatten that curve.

#epp #englishpaperpiecing #quilting #quarantinediary #quarantineprojects #quarantineprojects2020 #quarantine #handquilting #slowstitchingeveryday #slowstitchmovement #slowstitchingmonday #memademonday #englishpaperpiecingeverywhere #handmadequilts #recycle #scrapfabric #reuse #repurpose #backtobasics #traditionalprojects #hexiquilt #hexagonquilt #granniesgarden #oneinchhexiquilt #workingonit #sidewalkpirate #longtermproject #pandemic #wecanbeatittogether #letsgetthroughthis
@Stephanie, sometimes I don't either lol. Then I do something else. 😉
Wow!! I don’t have the patience for that.
Definitely a long term project lol
Monumental indeed💜