Welcome! Welcome!
Today is the day!
My last post went up on Instagram. I will leave the actual account up for a while longer, until I have transferred my tutorials from there to a safe place for storage until I can upload them here.
I want to celebrate this new found freedom!
I thought a giveaway was appropriate.
So let's have one.
I have been thinking about how to do this and at good last I thought up this little plan:
The giveaway will be open internationally until September10th.
Sign up and share! The more people sign up, the more there will be to win, because for every 20 new people to sign up, I will add more to the pile!
We start out with this notions bag. All hand sewn by me from my eco dyed fabrics and some of my hand stamped fabrics. All fabrics were thrifted, or reclaimed. Including the zipper. The pouch is fully lined.
Furthermore, there is a pink donut watercolour pin, handpainted by moi, a baggie of my organic, cruelty free beeswax thread conditioner, and one of my hand carved hawthorn needles. Not bad so far!🥰
Remember! For every 20 new members, I will add something else into the pouch. For example one of the hand carved crochet hooks I was working on today? Or whatever else might pop into my head. I will keep you posted on the numbers for sure.
(PSA: Sorry Australia, some of the things in the giveaway are not allowed to be shipped your way, so we will have to figure something else out, should one of you win. 😘)
I will draw the winner through a random numbers generator from among the members. (I have 33 at the moment. Yayyyy you guys!!!! You gorgeous people will already be entered. Mwwwah! 😘)
Good luck everyone! 🍀🐖 Spread the word, grow the loot! Lol
Edited to add: you can sign up by either following me on the wix app, or signing up here through the website, in the menue option where it tells you to log in.
Post was edited because it was supposed to say the giveaway is running until SEPTEMBER 10TH, not August. Sorry about that. 💕

#giveaway #getsignedup #welcome #newblog #newwebsite #letsgetthisgoing #memeberdrive #bellinghamartist #seattleart #pnwartist #makesomethingeveryday #hawthornnedle #handcarved #carving #pin #donut #watercolour #ginkoleaf #stamp #handcarvedstamp #notionpouch #handsewing #slowstitching #slowliving #slowlivingmovement #slowstitchingmovement #reuse #recycle #redesign #zerowaste #natural #organic #crueltyfree #beeswax #threadconditioner #embroidery #handmade
Thank you so much. Sending big hugs your way!
Sending good wishes for this new adventure. I greatly admire you sticking to your values and beliefs 🖤🌈🌻
Yes, exactly. You are already signed up. I should maybe add that in the blog post lol. Thanks for making me aware of that, @Stephanie
How does one sign up? Or is signing up following you here on wix?