I know I said I would share my balcony updates with you this Friday, but the weather was not conducive to taking pictures/making a video. And I have to change a few things around out there, because some people are just grouchy b**chese lol.
Anyway. Instead I thought I show you a few of the flower pots I have around the apartment.
Buckle up! Here we go!

Flower pots/cache pots are so expensive these days! I get mine in thrift stores or garage sales when I find them, but even there they start to tick up in price if they even have any. When I find some, I snatch them up, no matter the size or colour. The most important part is to make sure you like the shape, because you can always spray paint them, if you don't like the colour.
I buy interesting containers all the time. Then keep them in my potting cupboard, or my crafting closet until I have use for them. (Usually doesn't take that long)

First stop is always the kitchen isles for pretty soup terrines and bowls. You can drill holes into almost anything and plant directly, or use them as cache pots and keep them intact. If you find a pretty wooden bowl, I would either put a small drip catcher inside, so the water doesn't sit on the wood when you water your plants, or take the plant out to water it.

Pots, pans, strainers, even trophies are fair game for me. Baskets will hide an unsightly plastic pot just as well as the most expensive cache pot.
I have even put plants into an old typewriter.

One Halloween I went to the day after sale and got a bunch of different sized plastic skulls, cut the tops off and used them as planters for my tiny spider plantings. They usually already have holes in the bottom, so drainage is taken care of. I gave them as gifts that year. How much fun is that?

Tea pots, tiny single portion cream dispensers, and of course the more common tea cup planters (doesn't everyone have at least one of these cuties at home?). All fair game and can be had for a few pennies on the dollar at thrift shops. If you wait for the right tag sales, even cheaper. And never ever throw out a pretty tea tin!
A super cute tea light candle holder? Well just the size for tiny succulents!
Go out and bring home some candidates. Make sure you pick things you love. Timeless pieces are better than too trendy. Since pots will last a long time (Unless your husband is helping you and breaks 5 at once). I like to redecorate and shake things up every so often around my house. Moving furniture and generally giving the whole place a face lift. Plant pots and pillow covers are the cheapest/easiest way to switch things up without breaking the Bank. Having pots that can work with different interior styles will save you a lot of money in the long run. Simply play musical pots, instead of buying new every time is an easy way to make things feel fresh without having to pay a penny when the mood strikes.

In the end, the only limit is your imagination and how practical/easy it is to stick a plant into a given receptacle.
Make sure handles don't obstruct the planting hole, like on some watering cans but even that might be overcome. Certain materials are better than others for plants to feel happy. If you are not sure what any given container is made of, better to use it as a cache pot, than planting directly into it. Sometimes a simple lining with a plastic bag, or some cotton fabric will be all a bowl needs to be ready for a plant.
I like to find the perfect pot to pair with a given plant. A pot that complements the leaf shape, or the way the plant grows, like my neon pilodendron in the 1950's fruit bowl on a pedestal, or the trophy. Here it is only holding some lilacs a few years ago in spring, but this trophy has also held my dracaena until it outgrew the pot and needed a bigger home.

I found one of those yogurt maker cups at the thrift store. I took it home, although I don't have a yogurt maker. But it looks cute with a few succulents in it. No? 👇

I even planted some moss into an egg cup. Because why not? I adore miniature gardens and moss only stays around for a bit usually, before I release it back into "the wild".

My friend brought me this old copper...thing. Not really sure what it is for lol. But I thought it is perfect for my zipper plant.

In short, don't let a lack of pots stop you. There is always something around the house you can use. The latest cache pot investment I made were two bunny shaped candy dishes. I got them for $2 at the after Easter sale at our thrift store. One for me, one for my daughter. Now I need to find the perfect plant to stick into them.
The little ad in figurines and sculptures are a whole post in and of itself. I adore pairing my plants with sculptures of all sorts.

Maybe this gave you a bit of inspiration for your next planting adventures?
Happy planting,