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Writer's pictureSidewalk Pirate

So this is it

We are finally almost done with 2020.

I can't say I will miss this year.

A lot of things have happened and not happened to people.

Gorgeous pink sunset with winter trees in the foreground
A November sunset

We started out this year really well. I had two art shows and was absolutely gobsmacked by that. And then the pandemic hit. We are still in self quarantine around our house, because my husband was high risk even before his heart attack. So we haven't been anywhere since the beginning of March. (His follow up was this week and the doctor is super happy. Everything looks great! Yayy He was even able to stop one of his meds.)

We go grocery shopping once a month and run errands and that is about it. Maybe 2, or 3 days of running around. We haven't been to the park even, because we are not taking public transport right now, and since we don't have a car... well...this means staying home.

I know a lot of people right now are suffering and are not as fortunate as we are. My heart goes out to them.💔

So I won't complain about having to stay home. We are lucky enough to be able to do this without risking the loss of our home. I count my blessings.

We have been coping as best we can. Being introverts, this was easier for us than for most. We thrive at home. Alas, slowly the isolation is getting even to us. I miss going to the thrift store and the library and the museums, or the park for a picnic. But the closer to home we stay right now and the more consciences we are of staying safe and protecting not just us, but others as well, the faster we will get through this. So we are hanging in there. Make weird jokes and invent new games. Read, make lists, bake bread and cookies.

We always wear double masks when going out as well as gloves and wash all clothes upon returning home. It has become routine.

Home baked sandwich bread
Fresh out of the oven. Sandwich bread.

Today is the last day of the year. We are sticking to our family tradition and will make tamales. We make it all from scratch. Roast the meat, make the masa, cook the beans. It is an all day affair and the whole family pitches in.

Do you have new years traditions with your family?

It has snowed here! We had our 2 days of winter in the Coastal PNW lol. I have video evidence! Does it snow a lot where you are? I grew up in the mountains. Bavaria gets loads of snow in winter. Starting some years as early as October and it can last until Easter! I miss it. And I don't lol. I certainly don't miss shovelling it! 😂😉

I have slowly started to make things again. The tiny stocking for one, a few bottle cap pincushion (tutorial coming up), started painting another bag, and I even started a new quilt.

Patch on the new quilt. A pineapple printed on turquoise background
My favourite patch on the new quilt

Inside flap of a messenger bag, where I handprints a blue eye on the black fabric lining. White paint splatters mimik a starry sky
New painted bag in the works.

I am running low on fabric scraps, so I hope to brave the thrift store here soon-ish to replenish my stash and maybe even give my wardrobe a bit of a face-lift lol. (I am totally into knit cardigans these days.)

2020 was supposed to be the year I revamp our apartment. Give the furniture a new coat of paint, make new rugs, new pillow cases etc. None of that happened. I did make a new kitchen curtain, but that is about as far as I got.

My new kitchen curtain made from a few doilies and a reclaimed cotton bedruffle
My new kitchen curtain made from a few doilies and a reclaimed cotton bedruffle

I was thinking about putting together a craft along. Maybe this or next weekend. Not sure yet how to do it. Maybe on Youtube? Have to figure out how to do a live stream... I have never used zoom, believe it, or not. Any suggestions are welcome. Also: send me a message, if you are interested to participate. We can make one of the bottle top pincushion, or you can simply sit and chat and work on whatever you are working on.

Two handmade pincushions sitting atop a handmade quilt in the works alongside a heart of beeswax , some thread and clippers
My favourite pincushions.

Oh this post has gotten way longer than I intended lol.

So I better call it quits.

I will leave you with the materials list for the bottle cap pincushion, just in case and so I have it written down some place.

Materials for bottle top pincushions:

🟢 little bit of felt, a remnant will do, approx. 5 x 7 inches

🟢 a bit of fabric scrap, about 4x4 inches

🟢 glue

🟢 a sewing needle and thread

🟢 a wee bit of fiber fill, or roving, or crushed walnut shells...

🟢 a bottle cap from a pop bottle or the likes

🟢 a pencil, or fabric marker, or ballpoint pen, anything to mark the felt

🟢 a ruler

🟢 scissors

🟢 a small button and cute ribbon or other decorations (optional)

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