Inauguartion day, Jan.20,2021.

We are West Coast and were not able to go to sleep last night with excitement, so we got up a bit too late and only saw the last bits of the swearing in and what followed after. We spent the day re-watching clips of our favourite parts. It was absolutely amazing.
Yes, it was Biden's inauguration, but somehow he did not hog the spotlight, but rather shone it on everybody else in same measure. It was a celebration of America's biggest strength, it's diversity.
I cried a lot of happy tears today.
Poetry, music, the arts. It all is coming back to the White House. Love and hope! Dignity, honesty, loyalty and honor will all be back as well.
I weep with joy for my adopted Nation. Thanks be to every voting American. You all did this! You made it happen. You stood up and showed American strength. Peacefully at the ballot box. Let's never forget the power of a vote and let's work to ensure everybody is granted access to make their voice count!
I am sitting here, feeling at peace and hopeful to think about tomorrow.
Together we will make America into the amazing place we all know it can be!
With liberty, the freedom to pursue happiness and justice for all.
The work is just now starting.
Xo, B.🐝
