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New apron

I guess I really should dust off this blog a bit. Sorry for abandoning it again for so long. Lots going on and nothing going on at the...

Happy Wednesday.

I have been busy of sorts. Lots of appointments of late. After several doctor's visits and eve more tests, we found out that the...

Handmade is best

For a few years now I have been in love with the look of ancient Roman hair pins. I look at every new find chronicled online. They are...

Blending stumps.

I got a new commission. This means a few preparatory sketches are in order and back to drawing more. While getting all my stuff together,...

Dream House

I was quiet here for a bit, but there was a reason. I was super busy finishing a piece for a local art show. The deadline was the 12th of...

Reusable freezer bags

Just a really quick note as promised on the reusable freezer bags. I finally have a freezer again. Yayy! It is so handy to have. When...

Zero waste

If you have been around me for any length of time, you know that zero waste is close to my heart. I am working hard for our family to...

Tennis elbow

So I have managed to catch myself a nice case of tennis elbow. It hurts, peeps. Avoid it at all cost! Sadly this also means I have to...

Musings on sourdough

I bake bread first and foremost to feed my family. I bake all of the bread we eat. I enjoy it immensely. Since I do it so often (I bake...


I spent my weekend experimenting with a few ideas. Right now I only have ONE skein of yarn. My husband got it for me a few weeks ago....

Frond 🌿 Friday.

Just gonna leave some leafy photos here. I will introduce you to my brand new dioon edule next Friday. I think it needs a post of it's...

Working away

Really not much to share at the moment, as I am busily working away at a few long term projects, re-potting plants, and tweaking the...

Plant mobile

I swear my friend gives me things just to see what I do with them. She apparently had these plastic disco ball necklaces laying about her...

Internet troubles

I will be back on Friday though. Enjoy your week! I know I will enjoy my days off, since I get to hang out with my best friend, my ride...

Plant pots

I know I said I would share my balcony updates with you this Friday, but the weather was not conducive to taking pictures/making a video....

Blog: Blog2
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